Thursday, June 4, 2009

Book Sale

The Friends of Leeton Library book sale was a great success. Hundreds of books, videos, hear a books and at least one thousand magazines ( or maybe it only seemed like that many!) were sold to happy customers. All the Charles Dickens went early but L. Ron Hubbard failed to move at all. Lots of children came in with their parents and went away happily with armloads of books. Having the sale over 2 days in 2 meeting rooms was a good idea as everyone had plenty of time and room to browse. The Friends are to be commended for all their hard work preparing the books for sale and carrying and stacking and pricing and selling and packing up the few tatty left overs for recycling. They are having a break from fundraising for now and are moving on to sponsor our winter reading programme. More about the programme in a later post.

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