Wednesday, August 24, 2011


What a busy month we have had.

During our first week we celebrated Family History Week with seminars each afternoon on researching your family tree. We explored various aspects including on-line information.

During this week we also held our very special "Bob the Builder" storytime. Working with the Engineering department we held three sessions at the High School Ovals. The children were treated to songs, stories and a demonstration of the big trucks. The children were delighted to be allowed to climb up in the big machines. The engineering department did a fine display that held the kids in awe.

The chess club finished their annual competition and were awarded medals last week. The children continue to come socialise and learn each Thursday afternoon.

Last week Friends of the Leeton Library held a "Flower Power" themed trivia afternoon. Everyone had fun. Perhaps you would like to join us on our next Trivia afternoon in October.

This week is Childrens' Book Week. The library staff has transformed the library into Mexico, the Netherlands and an African jungle. The children were 'flown' by a rather inept pilot to the Library where they discovered the wonders of the Library and Book Week.

On top of all this we also held Cuddle-up and Read, Kids Klub, Saturday Book Chair, First Friday Book Club and the Leeton Knitters' Thursday mornings.....phew!