Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Children's Book Week is over for another year...

Who’s that crossing my bridge? Grrrrrr!!!
Library patrons were frequently startled by this cry as they entered the library a couple of weeks ago. The ugly troll barking more questions at some rather excited groups of schoolchildren may have hinted at what was going on perhaps.
It was Children’s Book Week of course and with this years’ theme being “Across the story bridge” entry to the library via a special bridge complete with resident troll was how Leeton Shire Library began to celebrate.
Over one thousand schoolchildren and preschoolers braved the cold weather – and the troll – to come and celebrate this important week with us. They entertained us with their wonderful dramatic renditions of “The three billy goats gruff”, listened to one or two stories and searched the library for bridge related clues to enter our competition.
Awards were handed out as well to the schools who entered our Book Week poster competition with the trophy for best display awarded to Yanco Public School. Their fabulous artworks certainly added to the air of excitement in the library during the week.
It’s always an exhausting week with all staff declaring ‘never again’ when it’s over but of course it only takes a day or two before we are checking out next year’s theme and wondering what we will do.

Children's Book Week is over for another year...

Who’s that crossing my bridge? Grrrrrr!!!
Library patrons were frequently startled by this cry as they entered the library a couple of weeks ago. The ugly troll barking more questions at some rather excited groups of schoolchildren may have hinted at what was going on perhaps.
It was Children’s Book Week of course and with this years’ theme being “Across the story bridge” entry to the library via a special bridge complete with resident troll was how Leeton Shire Library began to celebrate.
Over one thousand schoolchildren and preschoolers braved the cold weather – and the troll – to come and celebrate this important week with us. They entertained us with their wonderful dramatic renditions of “The three billy goats gruff”, listened to one or two stories and searched the library for bridge related clues to enter our competition.
Awards were handed out as well to the schools who entered our Book Week poster competition with the trophy for best display awarded to Yanco Public School. Their fabulous artworks certainly added to the air of excitement in the library during the week.
It’s always an exhausting week with all staff declaring ‘never again’ when it’s over but of course it only takes a day or two before we are checking out next year’s theme and wondering what we will do.