Sunday, October 25, 2009

New books for teens

Good news for our younger readers...
we have lots of new books for you. We have been building up our Junior Fiction and Young adult collections lately so come in and have a browse. You're sure to find something you'll like.
Here are a few of the new books we have for the teens :

Vampires, fantasy and science fiction

Melissa de la Cruz Revelations : a Blue Bloods novel
When one of the Gates of Hell is breached by Silver Bloods in Rio de Janeiro, the Blue Bloods need Schuyler Van Alen on their side, even though they question her blood legacy.

Christine Hinwood Bloodflower
Caught between duty and desire, between farm and castle, between the comradeship of men and the love of women, Cam struggles to find where he belongs while others strive to win his restless heart. A timeless story of conflict, identity and love in all its guises.

Kirsty Murray Vulture's gate
One girl - could she be the last girl alive? One boy, pursued by reckless men who have kidnapped him from his fathers. Bo and Callum go in search of a safe haven, a place to call home. But where can they turn and who can they trust? When every stranger is a threat, does their only hope lie in reaching Vulture's Gate? They must discover how to survive alongside runaway boys and crazed religious terrorists, in a world with an uncertain future.

…and these series:

Vampire academy by Richelle Mead
Blood promise
Just days before graduating from St. Vladimir's Academy, guardian-in-training Rose travels to Siberia to drive a stake into the heart of the boy she loves, the monstrous vampire Dimitri.
FrostbiteWhile on a school skiing trip, guardian-in-training Rose faces everything from misunderstandings between friends to fights among factions of Moroi as reports of horrific Strigoi attacks raise tensions, ultimately leading Rose and some of those closest to her into a battle that teaches her much about life, death, and love.
Shadow kissWhile Rose is coping with the darker effects of being shadow-kissed, her relationship with Dimitri is finally taking off, and when he disappears during a Strigoi attack on St. Vladimir's Academy, she must make a terrible choice.

The mysteries of the Septagram by Paul Bryers
Avatar Jade is the Avatar. Snatched from her home and plunged into a world of snow, mystery and virtual reality. But what is real and what is imagined? And what if she no longer knows who she really is?

Mirrorscape trilogy by Mike Wilks.
Mirrorscape - Book 1
MirrorStorm - Book 2

Horror High by Caroline B. Cooney.
Toxic beauty book 1
Killer instinct - book 2

Girl Stuff

Meg Cabot Airhead
Sixteen-year-old Emerson Watts, an advanced placement student with a disdain for fashion, is the recipient of a "whole body transplant" and finds herself transformed into one of the world's most famous teen supermodels.

Isabelle Merlin Cupid's arrow
It's been a while since 16-year-old Fleur Griffon has had one of the weird and scary dreams that used to plague her childhood. So when she and her bookseller mother travel to Bellerive Manor, near the ancient French town of Avallon where she meets a handsome, mysterious boy called Remy Gomert it seems to be love at first sight, beautiful as a dream. But Fleur's nightmare is just about to begin...

Liz Rettig My dating disasters diary by Kelly Ann
Kelly Ann is a total tomboy. She loves football and computer games and has no idea why anyone would want to bother with soppy romantic stuff and stupid crushes on boys. Her best mate is Chris, the boy next door, and he's not into that stuff either, is he?

…and these series:

A year in girl hell by Meredith Costain.

Girlfriend fiction
Mo Johnson Something more Penni Russon Little bird
Thalia Kalkipsakis What supergirl did next
Melaina Faranda Big sky
Kate Constable Winter of grace