Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A message from our Road Safety Officer

Some of you may be planning a trip over the long weekend.

Unfortunately, the state crash statistics are already well up this year and about a third of crashes on state roads are being attributed to fatigue.

Therefore please plan your trips and take regular breaks.

Driver reviver sites operating in the state over the long weekend can be found at the link below so please plan ahead, take a break, and travel safely.

Monday, September 21, 2009

School holidays are almost here

Not long now till the kids are on their October break and we have managed to get organised well in advance for a change.
Leeton Show will be on over the middle weekend so our first session will be especially for that.
So make sure you book your kids in early for our holiday activities. Each session only costs $5, starts at 2 pm and will last around an hour.
We are having:
  • Decorated Boots on Wednesday October 7 - bring along an old boot or shoe to decorate and we will enter them in the children's section of the show.
  • Lawn Bowls on Tuesday October 13 - have a go at this popular game. We'll have experienced bowlers on hand to show the kids the basics. Kids must wear rubber thongs.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


There were young pirates everywhere in the library last Thursday evening - 23 of them in fact. They had all come along to sign up for our new Kids Klub which will be a monthly activity in the library for primary school kids. Lots of them came in costume and signed up with their new pirate name. Then off they went to listen to pirate stories, go on a treasure hunt around the library and play some pirate games. Of course there were jugs of 'blood' to drink and lots of pirate goodies to eat. What pirate doesn't love a chocolate chip cookie??
Every little pirate went home with a handful of gold coins from the treasure hunt and a library bag of goodies. Lets hope they all turn up again in October for our first official 'meeting'.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

That's it for another year!

It's all over for another year - that week of madness that comes around very quickly sending us all into a frenzy of preparation for a couple of weeks beforehand.
More than 1 000 children, teachers, parents and carers completed the journey with us to the deep, dark cave where a bear was lurking. There were lots of screams but it was all in fun before we concluded with stories and jokes and a hunt around the library to find the shortlisted books which had been taken by the teddy bears.
Many thanks to the boys from the depot and our engineering department for helping with the courtyard. There wouldn't have been a river of stones to cross without their help. And a very big thank you to all the schools and parents who came along to ensure that this year's Book Week celebration was yet another big success for the library.
Now we need to get our thinking caps on for next year.....

There are some more photos from the week here: