Sunday, August 23, 2009

Children's Book week 2009

The library is now well into Book week for another year. This year's theme "Book Safari" has led us on a bear hunt - and we're not scared!
We have had to crunch our way through a river of stones, push through the long grass, squelch through soft mud, make our way through a swirling snowstorm and a dense forest to the deep, dark cave where the bear is hiding. He has stories to read and jokes to tell before we set off again on another bear hunt to find the shortlisted books which have been taken by other bears to read in the library.
Nearly all children in the shire will be visiting us this week for half an hour of fun. Others have produced fabulous posters to decorate the library for this special week.
We would especially like to thank the council engineering department for the stones which have been a big hit. They were a bit tricky to organise and we were very grateful to the boys and their shovels when that truck arrived.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bob the Builder Storytime

A great success! Many thanks to all the Roads boys who came down with their big machines to help us out. The little kids were very excited and especially loved having a 'drive' of the trucks and graders etc. We took a few photos so if you see any you would like contact us at the library and we can email a copy to you.
Check them out